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Managing Transatlantic Business in Uncertain Times | Webinar

Join the Norwegian-American Chamber of Commerce

& Team Norway for a webinar on how to navigate challenges relating to COVID-19 shutdowns and manage responsible reopening on both sides of the Atlantic.

The webinar seek to adresse:

  • How have transatlantic companies managed the legal and business challenges around shutdowns? 

  • How are transatlantic businesses managing the prospect of re-opening in Norway and the US?

  • What are best practices for persevering under shutdown and reopening responsibly?

We are excited to have H.E Ambassador Kåre R. Aas join us for opening remarks, followed by a panel discussion featuring Eirik Tord Jensen, President, Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace USA, Ryan Marth, Partner, Robins Kaplan LLP and Kaare Risung, Partner, Schjødt DA. The panel will be moderated by Idar Voldnes, CEO, IntraPoint .


This Webinar is supported by Team Norway:

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